About Us

Unity Back in CommUNITY, Inc.

UBIC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formerly known as Unity Inspirational Gospel Choir, Inc., which was founded on the campus of Rollins College in 1995. UBIC’s mission is to serve as a catalyst between for-profit, faith-based, and nonprofit organizations to provide community-based services and programming as a collaborative effort.

A Night of Gospel Anthems and Hymns

ANGAH is UBIC's annual signature event.  Each year, ANGAH is held the first Saturday in August.  This event has been designed to present contemporary gospel anthems and hymns in a forum to attract saints from all denominations, cultures, races, and ethnicities to worship ONE GOD in unity.

 The presentation of traditional and contemporary gospel music and hymns is a fading performing art in the music community. One of UBIC Anthem Ensemble’s mission is to preserve this genre of music by presenting the music in some of its original and traditional forms. Event attendees are asked to bring a donation for the offering to assist in the continued presentation of traditional and contemporary gospel music and hymns. The event is free, and a donation is not required to attend. Any donation amount given is appreciated.  

Thank You

Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.